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" for(i=0; i"; vote += title.titlelist[i]; vote += ""; vote += ""; for(j = 0;j< title.option[i].optitlelist.length;j++) { vote += ""; vote += ""; vote += title.option[i].optitlelist[j]; vote += ""; vote += ""; vote += "" vote += "" vote += "
" vote += "
" vote += title.option[i].opchecklist[j]+"("+ title.option[i].opnumlist[j] +")"; vote += "" vote += ""; } } vote += ""; vote += "" document.getelementbyid("div_vote_id").innerhtml = vote; } else { alert(_newscontent_errvote); } } function _newscontnent_checkradiovalue(keystr) { var keyname = keystr; var obj = document.getelementsbyname(keyname); var flag = false; var i = 0; if(obj == null) { return ""; } if(obj.length == null) { if(obj.checked) { return obj.value; } } for(i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { if(obj[i].checked) { return obj[i].value; break; } } return ""; } function shareto(a,u,t,s,key) { var ec = encodeuricomponent, a = '/system/resource/news/weiboshare.htm'; var c = '?type=' + a + '&url=' + ec(u || document.location) + '&title=' + ec(t) + (s ? '&summary=' + s : '')+(key ? '&appkey=' + key : ''); if(a=='tsohu') c = '?type=' + a + '&url=' + ec(u || document.location) + '&title=' + t + (s ? '&summary=' + s : '')+(key ? '&appkey=' + key : ''); try { window.open(a + c, ''); } catch (e) { } return false; } function download_news(contentid,treeid,owner,newsid) { if(checkobj_content(contentid)) { if(confirm('文章含有word中无法显示内容,下载后可能无法正常显示。是否继续下载?')) { location.href='/system/resource/news/newstoword.jsp?treeid='+treeid+'&owner='+owner+'&wbnewsid='+newsid; } }else{ location.href='/system/resource/news/newstoword.jsp?treeid='+treeid+'&owner='+owner+'&wbnewsid='+newsid; } } function checkobj_content(contentid) { if(getcontenttags(contentid)) { return true; } return false; } function getcontenttags(contentid) { var current; var contentnode = document.getelementbyid(contentid).innerhtml; var regex = //]*>(.*?)<\/object|object|iframe|iframe|embed|embed>/i; var groups = regex.exec(contentnode); if(groups){ return true; } return false; } function show_vsb_content_tips(buttonobj,conentid) { buttonobj.style.display="none"; var o=document.getelementbyid(conentid); o.style.display=""; } //正文中输出mp3播放代码 function showvsbaudio(aurl,vheight,vwidth,align,styles,vautoplay) { if(aurl=="") { return; } var playersrc = "/system/resource/images/ueditor/musicflash/player_mp3_maxi.swf"; var flashvars = "mp3="+aurl+"&showstop=1&showvolume=1&bgcolor1=eeeeee&bgcolor2=a0a0a0"; var autoplaystr = ""; if(vautoplay=="true") { autoplaystr = "autoplay = 'true'"; flashvars +="&autoplay=1"; } var outputhtml=""; outputhtml +=''; document.write(outputhtml); } /** * 正文中显示pdf * @param path * @param width * @param heigth * @param imagenum * @param style * @param imagedata */ function showvsbpdfiframe(path,width,heigth,imagenum,style,imagedata){ if(path=="") { return; } var outputhtml=""; //判断浏览器版本 if(issupportpddfjs()){ //pdfjs outputhtml = ""; }else{ //图片 if(imagedata && imagedata.length >0){ var imagestr = ""; imagestr = "
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